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product recall
Since 2005, more than 200,000 units of hernia mesh have been recalled. The US FDA blamed hernia mesh for some of the worst complications, including bowel perforation and organ failures. If you have suffered bodily injuries or financial damages using hernia mesh, you can file to become part of the current mass tort against manufacturers....
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Talcum powder is from a naturally-occurring mineral, talc. The mineral is mined and then crushed to form a fine powder for cosmetic use. Since talc is a finely-ground powder, it has several useful properties, including moisture absorption and friction reduction. Besides being an ingredient in cosmetic products, some people use it in its raw form....
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Talcum powder is from a naturally-occurring mineral, talc. The mineral is mined and then crushed to form a fine powder for cosmetic use. Since talc is a finely-ground powder, it has several useful properties, including moisture absorption and friction reduction. Besides being an ingredient in cosmetic products, some people use it in its raw form....
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There has been a product recall on several drugs used to treat Type 2 Diabetes. Learn more about the side effects these drugs had on their users by watching the short clip below.
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There have been a number of food recalls lately across the United States. If you have recently purchased food that has been recalled, what do you do next? The first step is to remain calm. Most likely the recall is for something relatively minor, and the chances of getting sick are very low. If you...
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According to a recent United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) audit, the food recall system in the U.S. is woefully ineffective. The audit even goes on to mention that it took five months after salmonella was discovered in commercial peanut better for a recall to be issued for the product. A mistake like this...
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A Chinese herb product distributor by the name of Master Herbs, Inc. is issuing a voluntary nationwide recall after its herbal over-the-counter “Licorice Coughing Liquid” was found to contain morphine. The product, used to treat symptoms of cold such as coughing and other throat and bronchial irritations, did not previously indicate that it contained morphine....
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Even in our picturesque home of Salt Lake City, these days, it seems that danger lurks all around us at every turn. Whether it be a tragic auto accident on a busy highway or incident of wrongful death involving an FDA-approved medication, it’s easy to get lost in the worry that accompanies these well-publicized happenings....
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Consumer confidence is a vital part of any company’s success. Customers, in Utah and throughout the United States, should be able to trust that purchased products will perform as promised. Despite this very basic expectation, there are still defective products sold each and every day. When these products harm a consumer, it is important that...
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