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February 2016
There have been some pretty crazy laws put in place since the birth of the United States in 1776. In Iowa it’s a misdemeanor to try to camouflage margarine as real butter. And in Minnesota, it’s illegal to participate in any type of game that involves the capture of a greased pig. As crazy as...
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With the advent of drone delivery services, photography and flyover inspections, it should come as no surprise that drone accident lawsuits are becoming more commonplace within personal injury lawyer circles. There are multiple elements that can go wrong with drones that can result in unintentional (and sometimes intentional) injury. Inexperience on the user’s end, unexpected...
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Driving in fog — or smog — has the potential to turn familiar roads into treacherously foreign highways. Deprived of the visual landmarks that once made driving home from work an easy endeavor, fog can disassociate you from your surroundings, resulting in heightened stress levels and decision-making peppered with a tinge of irrationality. Every auto...
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With the recent advancements in automobile technology, it’s hard to imagine any 21st-century car randomly bursting into flames or unexpectedly splitting in half. However, during the explosion of the automobile industry during the 20th century, these types of occurrences were relatively common. The 1970s and 1980s in particular saw an influx of dangerous—not to mention...
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Every year, over 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs. One in every five of these people require medical attention. With so many dog bites occurring each year, how can you protect yourself from becoming bitten? Even the most seemingly-friendly canines can act unpredictably at times, inflicting both pain and injury....
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Motorcycle accidents contribute to 4,000 deaths per year in the United States. Although this may initially seem like a staggering statistic, it’s not all that surprising. Motorcyclists encounter a number of different challenges while riding on the road that can contribute to accidents, whether it be a collision with another vehicle or unpredictable weather conditions....
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines the Zika Virus as a disease that spreads primarily via contact with mosquito bites. Although the disease is generally considered to be mild, there have been a few reported cases of hospitalization as a direct result of infection of the Zika Virus. Due to the seriousness...
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The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has recently issued a statement with a recommendation to lower the legal BAC (blood alcohol content) level on the roads. Were the new regulations to be passed, the legal limit would change from .08 to .05. If you’ve recently been in an alcohol-related car crash, now might be a...
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On average, the United States is home to roughly 2.3 million auto-related injuries per year—more than enough to keep any auto accident lawyer from Salt Lake City to New York busy. So how does Utah rank in comparison to the rest of the United States? You might be surprised to learn that the state ranks...
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One of the most common types of injury following a car wreck is whiplash. Whiplash, which occurs most frequently following rear-end collisions, involves any type of impact or sudden force that immediately “whips” the head backward and then immediately forward. This sudden, unexpected force creates a chain reaction of tensing and tearing within the muscles...
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