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July 2017
In this day and age, many people rely on pill medications in order to make it through each and every day, doctors will often prescribe pills even if they aren’t proven to help with a specific medical condition, and drug manufacturers can easily accidentally make a harmful substance that is sent out to the market....
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About 38.4 percent of American households currently have guns. When it comes to gun laws, there is a divide in public preferences. According to a survey, people are almost evenly split on whether gun control or gun rights are more important. Gun laws are currently a hot topic in the media. Because there have been...
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It’s no secret that Marijuana affects the brain and your body’s ability to react. A study done by the Highway Loss Data Institute was conducted in states that legalized marijuana including Colorado, Washington and Oregon. The study found that collision claims rose 2.7 percent throughout those three states. The data was compared to its own...
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Dogs can be sweet, lovable members of the family. As the saying goes, dogs are man’s best friend. However, this unbreakable bond between man and beast isn’t without complication. A dog’s only way of communicating with humans is through behaviors and body language. Frankly, this communication is sometimes ignored by the owners who think they...
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Street racing has become a popular activity, especially amongst younger adults and teenagers who got their driver’s license 2 days ago and inherited their older brothers old Subaru WRX. With film franchises glorifying this dangerous activity, auto accident numbers have been on the rise. Young drivers are the most common victims of a high-speed collision....
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Getting an infection from a dog bite is uncommon, especially in places like Farmington, Utah. Most domesticated dogs have gotten shots to make them less dangerous when it comes to bite infection. If you do get bit by a dog and its owner isn’t around — or it doesn’t have an owner — it’s important...
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Texting and driving is a serious issue that campaigns throughout the United States have tried to diminish. These campaigns have tried to reduce the number of auto accidents caused by texting but have not had a high rate off success. However, there are a few that have proven to be more effective than others. “It...
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Imagine being in downtown Salt Lake City at Liberty Park just minding your own business while watching fireworks. All of the sudden, a firework mishap occurs and one shoots into the trailer that holds all of the other fireworks. The next thing you know is the fireworks from the trailer are shooting at the crowd....
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It’s officially summer, which means it’s officially hotter than a St. Bernard’s mouth outdoors. The summer months are some of the most fun and adventurous months of the year. People are always outside, the sun is shining and there are always plenty of activities to enjoy. Don’t let an injury from the Salt Lake City...
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As expected, this Fourth of July weekend we saw an increase in auto accidents across the nation. Every year at the same time, emergency response teams see a spike in the number of fatalities and other non-fatal incidents on the road. While so many people just think about barbecues and fireworks during the month of...
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