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November 2017
You hear the crash and are jolted back into reality. Your eyes weren’t even on the road, since you were enjoying the luxury of being a passenger. When you’re in an auto accident, it can lead to confusing aftermath. The situation gets complicated when you are trying to figure out who is liable for what...
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The first heavy snowfall of the year creates many mixed emotions. For a lot of people snow brings up negativity—there’s dangerous driving, traffic and shoveling. For the others, typically younger generations, it means time to play in the snow and build forts. At Robert J. DeBry & Associates, we’re here to tell you that however...
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Due to icy roads, snow fall and fog, approximately 800 people die each year during the winter in car accidents. Utah can get some pretty serious snowfall. If you are traveling in Provo, Utah or anywhere else, be sure you drive safe and understand how to deal with winter road emergencies. General Driving Tips When...
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Many people are surprised that car accident cases are more common in parking lots in Salt Lake City, Utah. Even though it’s unlikely for you to get into an accident. It’s still a great idea to have your lawyer on speed dial. Distracted driving is not only checking your phone or putting on lipstick, it’s...
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Getting into an auto accident is scary, even on the quiet streets of Provo, Utah. When cars collide, injuries often occur. Even if it doesn’t seem like you get hurt, there are some hidden injuries that can last for weeks and even months, like concussions. These injuries happen when you hit your head really hard....
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There are so many sports kids can get involved in nowadays. One season you may be a soccer mom, the next you’re cheering at a football game and finally, you’re in the stands at a gymnastics meet. As your children grow up playing any number of sports, personal injury cases are going to be inevitable....
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Did you know that slow speed driving is just as much, if not more dangerous than fast speed driving? If going slower than the speed of traffic, make sure to get in the right hand lanes to ensure safety of everyone on the road.
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“Just a few minutes and I’ll be home,” you tell yourself, as you coast along the Provo, Utah highway. The sun has already sunk over the horizon, and your day of holiday preparations has left you exhausted. Your eyelids begin to feel heavier. It’s the drift of your car into the next lane that jolts...
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It’s the big day, your teenager is about to be a licensed driver. There’s nothing quite as scary as sending your son off to face the highway alone. As you take the dreaded drive to the DLD, he won’t stop talking about the kind of car he’d love to drive around Ogden, Utah. When buying...
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So you’ve just been rear-ended—cue the accompanying feeling of dread. It probably looks bad, but no matter how bleak the outcome appears, everything will be okay. There are certain steps you should take to make sure that you are legally covered. A car accident isn’t a fun experience, but it’s not rare either. It happens....
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