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June 22, 2016
In the United States there are 660,000 drivers manipulating electronics at any given moment during the day. Why should you care? Because that means that at any given moment from the Big Apple to Salt Lake City, 660,000 drivers aren’t looking at the road. One of those drivers could be headed down the freeway in...
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Summer means more time spent traveling on vacation, having fun, soaking up the sun and a whole lot of heat. Thinking about that summer heat probably doesn’t lead to thinking about a wrongful death lawyer, but the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that on average, 675 people die of heat-related causes...
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Using your cell phone while driving makes you a whopping 23 percent more likely to get into an auto accident, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration — and more than a quarter of all car accidents in the United States involve the use of cell phones. Any auto accident lawyer will...
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According to a recent United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) audit, the food recall system in the U.S. is woefully ineffective. The audit even goes on to mention that it took five months after salmonella was discovered in commercial peanut better for a recall to be issued for the product. A mistake like this...
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