Getting an infection from a dog bite is uncommon, especially in places like Farmington, Utah. Most domesticated dogs have gotten shots to make them less dangerous when it comes to bite infection. If you do get bit by a dog and its owner isn’t around — or it doesn’t have an owner — it’s important...Read More
Dog parks in the summer seem like a great place to take Rex out for some fresh air. Maybe that pretty girl down the street with the Irish Sitter will be out and about today. But it seems every year dog bite incidents are reported at or near dog parks, causing pet owners to ask:...Read More
Having a dog is very common within the Provo area. Unfortunately, along with owning a dog comes the risk of potentially having your dog bite someone. When a dog bite occurs, a lawyer who deals with dog bite lawsuits is usually brought in. To avoid these types of lawsuits it is important to understand as...Read More
If you have recently been the victim of a dog bite, you are likely looking for a good attorney to represent your case. You may also be wondering if hiring a specialized dog bite lawyer is necessary. Hiring a lawyer who specializes in your specific legal area of need will greatly benefit you — and...Read More
Summer is almost here, and you can bet that the college students in Provo, Utah are gearing up for fun in the sun. Summer means time spent outdoors and in the water. It’s a time for adventure and excitement and probably the least likely time to think about hiring a lawyer. However, summer is the...Read More
It can be tough to train your dog to do certain things, and biting is something that should be taken care of early on. According to an article written by Dr. Kristy Conn, four-and-half million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States, and some people will take legal action against your...Read More
Whether you live in Salt Lake City or on the East Coast, the threat of being bitten by an aggressive canine is real. Depending on where you live, dog bite laws will differ; however, a dog bite lawyer can help you gather information about state-specific laws and the most beneficial evidence you’ll need to win...Read More
More than 4.5 million people in the United States suffer from dog bites every year. While children and senior citizens are the most common victims of dog bites, people of all age groups are at risk for a dog bite injury — even from a dog with which you are familiar. There are a number...Read More
When a child first sees a cute, fluffy dog, his or her first instinct is to immediately run up to the canine. This situation can, unfortunately, end badly. Although a dog may initially appear to be friendly and harmless, it’s critical that you never allow your child to approach it unless you’re 100 percent certain...Read More
Generally speaking, dogs are a joy to be around, and needing the service of a dog bite lawyer is the farthest thing from an owner’s mind. Whether it be going for a walk in the park on a Sunday afternoon or simply lounging around the house on a cold Winter day in Provo, dogs...Read More