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distracted driving
When texting, a driver is distracted from the road for up to twenty seconds. But, GPS can distract users for up to forty seconds.
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Distracted driving is one of the most deadliest causes of car accidents we face today. There are many things we do that contribute to it. See what areas you can improve on to help keep the roads a safer place.  
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We all have that one friend that we’re afraid to get into the car with because they bad habit of texting and driving or engaging in other distracted driving activities. Distracted driving can easily result in an auto accident — luckily, we at Robert J. DeBry & Associates are here to help you stage a...
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In the United States there are 660,000 drivers manipulating electronics at any given moment during the day. Why should you care? Because that means that at any given moment from the Big Apple to Salt Lake City, 660,000 drivers aren’t looking at the road. One of those drivers could be headed down the freeway in...
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Using your cell phone while driving makes you a whopping 23 percent more likely to get into an auto accident, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration — and more than a quarter of all car accidents in the United States involve the use of cell phones. Any auto accident lawyer will...
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When you text and drive, your ability to safely operate a vehicle drastically decreases — and you and your loved ones become at greater risk for an auto accident. Though a lawyer can always help you work through a tough auto accident situation, avoid the extra risks and put the phone down. From Salt Lake...
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It’s easy to assume that teenagers are more guilty of texting and driving than adults; however, statistics indicate that this simply isn’t true. So what demographic is more likely to cause an auto accident while texting and driving around Salt Lake City, invoking a call to your lawyer? Research indicates that older, white, wealthy men...
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Texting and driving is a widespread issue across the country. People of all ages and backgrounds text and drive at some point in their lives; in fact, 31 percent of U.S. drivers ages 18–64 admit to texting while driving within the past 30 days. While texting and driving is undoubtedly prevalent, it is also illegal....
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In our latest installment of Robert J. DeBry’s Word on the Street, we spoke with Sgt. Todd Royce of the Utah Highway Patrol about the rising trend of texting and driving — and its implications for the residents of Utah. Texting and driving is responsible for 330,000 injuries every year, from Farmington, Utah to the...
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Texting and driving is a big problem on the road. If you commute each day, you’ve probably seen people applying makeup, shaving, and of course, sending messages on their phones. How big of a problem is texting and driving — and who are the worst offenders? Here is a look at some research data we...
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