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truck accidents
Traffic laws seem trivial to many drivers. Perhaps this is the reason why about 165,000 accidents happen at intersections each year in the U.S. It is surprising that so many automobile accidents happen by running red lights when it is so easy to prevent. Traffic signals are placed to protect drivers on the road, but...
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With summer well underway, a common sight on the road are recreational vehicles, also known as RVs. These road behemoths may be intimidating to drive around, but they can be even worse for a new driver. The best way to avoid an auto accident with an RV is to know what goes on with the...
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There are few things more intimidating in life than being stuck next to a huge semi-truck; some of you may have experienced being pushed out of your lane by a tractor-trailer — or even worse. During the busy summer driving months, it’s more likely than ever that you’ll find yourself driving next to one of...
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  Trucking accidents are usually much more severe than any other auto accidents. This could be due to the fact that semi trucks weigh about 80,000 pounds when fully loaded. Since other cars usually weigh significantly less, their damage is much more severe. It’s extremely important then that regular cars learn how to drive defensively...
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