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October 2021
Driving under the influence (DUI) refers to a driver being “incapable of safely operating a vehicle.” A driver may be considered to be driving under the influence when they are driving under the following circumstances: Under the influence of drugs  Have a blood alcohol concentration of .05% or more Additionally, it is illegal for drivers...
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Driving under the influence (DUI) refers to a driver being “incapable of safely operating a vehicle.” A driver may be considered to be driving under the influence when they are driving under the following circumstances: Under the influence of drugs  Have a blood alcohol concentration of .05% or more Additionally, it is illegal for drivers...
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When an accident happens, there are essential things to consider, such as who is liable and the steps to take to file for financial compensation. First, a motorcycle accident’s aftermath leaves the motorcyclists with injuries that often prevent a motorcyclist from returning to work. Second, those injuries prevent a motorcyclist from returning to work, and...
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When an accident happens, there are essential things to consider, such as who is liable and the steps to take to file for financial compensation. First, a motorcycle accident’s aftermath leaves the motorcyclists with injuries that often prevent a motorcyclist from returning to work. Second, those injuries prevent a motorcyclist from returning to work, and...
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Motorcycling is fun, healthy, adventurous, and a convenient means of transportation. However, it’s also almost inherently risky. Motorists could get into accidents that cause serious injuries or, worse, death.  You have a better chance of protecting yourself from motorcycle injuries with motorcycle safety gear. Why not be safe now and avoid being sorry later? Stay...
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Motorcycling is fun, healthy, adventurous, and a convenient means of transportation. However, it’s also almost inherently risky. Motorists could get into accidents that cause serious injuries or, worse, death.  You have a better chance of protecting yourself from motorcycle injuries with motorcycle safety gear. Why not be safe now and avoid being sorry later? Stay...
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Up to date, some people living in Utah have little to no information regarding what wrongful death entails. Wrongful death is where an individual dies due to negligence by another person or institution. Every state has its laws regarding the process of carrying out a wrongful death lawsuit. A Wrongful Death Lawyer in Utah can...
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The Utah Department of Public Safety notes in 2020; 463 bicycles were involved in accidents, eight were fatal. Although bicycles and cars follow the same traffic laws, the number one cause of these bike accidents occurs when a bike and a car collide.  Most deaths that come from bicycle accidents take place in urban areas...
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The Utah Department of Public Safety notes in 2020; 463 bicycles were involved in accidents, eight were fatal. Although bicycles and cars follow the same traffic laws, the number one cause of these bike accidents occurs when a bike and a car collide.  Most deaths that come from bicycle accidents take place in urban areas...
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According to the Utah Department of Health, in Utah, a car accident occurs every 8 minutes. Every 20 minutes, a person is injured in one of these crashes and at least one person dies every 33 hours.  A large amount of car accidents has a dramatic effect on individuals, families, and communities in Utah. For...
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