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car accident
Merging is a concept that you need to grasp in order to stay safe on highways, freeways and major roads, but it can oftentimes go overlooked. Busier roads like highways and freeways prove to be especially challenging, and when merging, drivers need to have complete attention and use common sense. If someone tries merging into...
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Drivers today should know the importance of contacting the authorities after a car accident, but how many contact a car accident lawyer? Maybe you’ve considered this but thought only certain accidents require legal help. That might be because when you watch law firm commercials on television, they do not specify what would make an accident...
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Companies like Tesla are developing new technology daily. The auto industry is continuously working on reducing the risk of accidents in vehicles. If you are wondering how safe your vehicle is in an accident, look at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) crash tests. They can tell you exactly how your car will handle...
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In the event of an accident, it often comes as common knowledge and instinct to contact the authorities afterward. However, accident severity differs depending on the situation, and if you’re faced with a less severe accident, you might feel inclined to avoid contacting the authorities as to not blow a situation out of proportion. While...
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In the event of an accident, it often comes as common knowledge and instinct to contact the authorities afterward. However, accident severity differs depending on the situation, and if you’re faced with a less severe accident, you might feel inclined to avoid contacting the authorities as to not blow a situation out of proportion. While...
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Statistics are usually fascinating to look at, but when it comes to looking at fatality-related statistics, it is quite an eye-opening and somber experience. Nonetheless, it is interesting and good to know hard stats that relate to you! Considering we are a Utah-based car accident lawyer/wrongful death-focused law firm, we want to share a few...
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With new technology comes the inevitable skeptic. There are people out there that believe that new vehicle safety technology has resulted in a decline in good drivers due to the dependence we’re putting on said technologies, but is this actually true? Well, fortunately, studies conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) say that...
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If you’ve been keeping up with our recent blog posts or you’re knowledgeable when it comes to car accident statistics, you probably know that car accidents significantly rise during the summer months. This is mostly due to the fact that most people take vacations during the summer, and in most cases, these vacations are often...
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Accidents happen every day, but do all of them require the involved parties to call the authorities? This video answers that question, and if you are involved in an accident and haven’t already talked to a legal representative, contact one of our car accident lawyers today!
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As we make our way into spring, we get a little bit closer to the hundred deadliest days. If you’re unaware, the hundred deadliest days take place in the summer months of June, July and August. While summer is a time for vacation and relaxation, it also brings with it significant threats to drivers, both...
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