Even the best drivers can be subject to an unintentional auto accident — specifically when these accidents involve parked cars. From small towns such as Farmington, Utah to larger cities on the East Coast, avoiding parking lots and congestion is not an easy task. So what’s considered proper etiquette in the unfortunate situation that you...Read More
In metropolitan areas across the country, more and more people are choosing bicycles as their preferred method of transportation. As more cyclists take to the streets, however, accidents involving cyclists increase accordingly. While protected bike lanes — becoming more prevalent in cities such as Pittsburgh and Salt Lake City — can cut down on crash...Read More
In many states, it’s currently illegal to text while driving. However, this doesn’t stop most people from doing it anyway — especially younger demographics. On average, 69 percent of all drivers admit to using their cell phones while behind the wheel. This is an alarming statistic, especially considering that a fourth of all annual automobile...Read More
Believe it or not, there are a number of phone apps designed to help you drive better — and you don’t have to be on the phone to use them. Simply turn on the app while you’re driving; this will inform people trying to contact your phone that you are currently occupied with driving, so...Read More
If you learned to ride a bicycle as a kid, chances are your mother told you to always wear a helmet. From local law enforcement officials in Farmington, Utah to auto accident lawyer professionals in the Midwest, everyone seems to extoll the benefits of bicycle helmets. But are bicycle helmets really as beneficial as we...Read More
When you get into a car accident, the last thing you want to think about is the potential for an auto accident scam. Auto insurance scams are more common than you’d think—Edmunds estimates 10 percent of auto damage claims and more than 20 percent of bodily injury claims in the United States are fraudulent. If...Read More
In cooperation with the Utah Department of Transportation, the Utah Highway Patrol will increase HOV lane enforcement on I-15 in the Salt Lake City area from Oct. 13 to Oct. 16. Per the Daily Harold, the main purpose of the increased patrol is to educate drivers about the proper use of HOV lanes. UDOT...Read More
An auto accident can be quite traumatic, resulting in lasting injuries to those involved. From Provo, Utah to the East Coast, many find their lives permanently changed due to both the physical and emotional damage that can be inflicted following such an event. This is especially true when a spinal cord injury takes place....Read More
It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, what you drive or how long you’ve been driving—the threat of an auto accident is always present, even in pleasant cities like Farmington, Utah. That said, some accidents are more serious than others. More often than not, when an auto accident takes place, it’s a...Read More
If you’ve flipped on the news in the past couple of days, be it in St. George, Utah or elsewhere, odds are high that you’ve seen the Volkswagen name pop up a time or two. Unfortunately for all fans of the German car brand, the headlines haven’t been positive. You guessed it—once again, yet another...Read More