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accident settlement
According to the Utah Department of Health, in Utah, a car accident occurs every 8 minutes. Every 20 minutes, a person is injured in one of these crashes and at least one person dies every 33 hours.  A large amount of car accidents has a dramatic effect on individuals, families, and communities in Utah. For...
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Cycling is becoming a prevalent clean means of transportation, especially in Utah. However, as the number of bikers on the road increase, the number of road accidents also increases. Such accidents can leave bikers with severe injuries, and in extreme cases, the loss of life. Robert J. DeBry & Associates has dealt firsthand with various...
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Riding a bicycle is a relaxing and healthy outdoor activity. However, it is not without risks. Accidents involving a bicycle collision with another vehicle are not uncommon. Roadways and bike paths in poor repair cause bicycle accidents as well. Unfortunately, serious bicycle mishaps often result in an injury, damaged equipment, and lost wages. Financial compensation...
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Whether it is a car, home, or personal accident, you may want to learn the basis of accident settlements. Accident settlements are different in every state. In order to be prepared or in order to begin the process, contact a lawyer from Robert J. DeBry & Associates for specific information regarding your situation.  Filing a...
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