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drug injury
Sometimes the medical treatment we need is not the one we get. From Provo, Utah to the east, medical malpractice occurs more than we think. This can lead to health risks that can occur through a drug injury. A lawyer from Robert J. Debry can help you investigate the facility and hold the responsible party...
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Victim of a drug injury? A lawyer from the Robert J. Debry Farmington, Utah office can help. Product injury can be the cause of malfunctioning product, as well as the failure of a certain product to warn the consumer against possible harm. Whether this comes from failing breaks in a vehicle or the consumption of...
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It’s never a good time to hear that one of the daily prescriptions you take to keep yourself healthy could actually be hindering your health. In 2016 alone, there’s been 40 drugs recalled according the Federal Drug Administration. That averages out to about one drug being recalled every week so far this year. That means...
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Throughout the nation, drug injury or death from opioids has become a problem. But in Utah, it has become an epidemic. From the metropolis of Salt Lake City to the small truck stop towns along the I-15, an average of 24 Utahans die from prescription drug overdoses every month. Utah is ranked 4th in the...
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With the changes in season come changes in legal drug use. As winter approaches, cold and cough medicine rise in use and nasal decongestants become necessary for every day use. Especially throughout Salt Lake City and the rest of Utah in the winter, when the air quality is low and complications abound, the rise in...
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Drug injury can strike anyone at any time. Whether caused by a malfunctioning medical device or a drug with dangerous, untold side effects, drug injury is always difficult to manage and the legal process can be hard to navigate. With the help of a good drug injury lawyer, families affected by the devastating repercussions of...
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The recent health care reform movement strives to give every citizen access to high quality health care. This is greatly beneficial to many in Salt Lake City, but can negatively impact a few aspects of the medical industry, such as malpractice lawsuits. Because the number of individuals with access to health care is increasing, the...
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Americans are privileged to have access to the safest — not to mention most advanced — pharmaceutical program in the world. From Provo, Utah to the East Coast, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the primary authority on drug safety, and is responsible for not only evaluating new drugs, but for providing information...
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If you have tested positive for hepatitis C after visiting the McKay-Dee Hospital in Ogden, Utah, you may be entitled to compensation. In an ongoing medical malpractice case, we at Robert J. DeBry & Associates are reaching out to those who have been exposed to hepatitis C while visiting the emergency room at McKay-Dee Hospital....
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This Saturday, April 30, 2016, police departments around the country will join with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for the semi-annual Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. Drug injury and prescription drug overdose are on the rise in the United States, increasing the need for so many families to hire a lawyer that specializes in drug injury...
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