Generally speaking, most people can’t resist the happiness that puppies have an innate way of spreading. Their overall friendly disposition, unconditional ability to love anyone and everyone and desire to engage in lighthearted roughhousing make them irresistible for people of all ages. However, while both cute and cuddly, the very habits that puppies learn...Read More
Puppies spend a lot of their first weeks and months playing, chewing and exploring. All of these activities help puppies to learn about how to use their mouths and their sharp teeth. Biting may seem cute when a puppy is young, but when the puppy becomes a full grown dog it can become a real...Read More
Whether here in Utah or elsewhere, few are the people that don’t love being around dogs. Best known for their unconditional love, dogs are wonderful companions for people of all stages of life. However, though generally pleasant, there are dogs that don’t take to people and lash out in anger. In fact, we regularly...Read More
You’ve decided to buy a dog. Whether it’s just going to be you and the pup, or the dog is going to be part of a bigger family, you’ll want to make sure you purchase a breed that will fit your lifestyle and needs. However, whether you live in Utah or across the country,...Read More
Whether you love dogs or not, chances are you will come across more than a few during the course of your lifetime. Many dog are playful, kind and wont cause you or someone you love any harm. However, that being said, it is important to remember that dogs are animals. If they feel threatened...Read More