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September 2019
There are accidents on the road every day, and a lot of times, the weather is the main factor. Traffic administrators understand this and put up signs along the roads to warn drivers to slow down during stormy weather. Right now, we are transitioning from summer to autumn, and that means more rainfall. The accident...
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Summer has come and passed here in Utah. With fall coming, that means we are through what is known as Utah’s 100 Deadliest Days. Luckily, this year, the title is a little misleading. Each year our accident lawyers cover cases that occur during these days, and we are happy to see the number of fatalities...
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Whether you need our experienced car accident lawyers or a personal injury lawyer, we have you covered. We know that accidents can happen at any time. We also know that the type of accident isn’t always going to be the same for everybody. From car crashes to slip and falls, our accident lawyers are equipped...
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Whether you need our experienced car accident lawyers or a personal injury lawyer, we have you covered. We know that accidents can happen at any time. We also know that the type of accident isn’t always going to be the same for everybody. From car crashes to slip and falls, our accident lawyers are equipped...
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Wrongful death, by definition, is the passing of an individual due to the negligent acts of another person. As some of the most tragic cases that a lawyer will work on, it is unfortunate how frequently we deal with these kinds of cases. Of course, if you’ve lost someone to a wrongful death accident, you’re...
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You never want to be in a situation in which you have to hire a wrongful death attorney; unfortunately, it can happen to anyone at any time. From car accidents to workplace injuries, some accidents end up being more severe than others. In those unfortunate circumstances where tragedy strikes, the victim’s family could be faced...
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Hiring experienced accident lawyers is a vital move after an accident, especially if you’ve sustained injuries that require medical attention. From medical expenses to vehicle damage, you’ll want to make sure that you cover yourself from financial ruin due to excessive bills. That is where an attorney comes into play.  In this blog, we’re going to...
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One of the earlier serial killers in North American history is Earle Nelson. From 1925 to 1927, Nelson was known to murder at least 22 innocent individuals. To find out what influenced him to head down such a barbaric path, watch the next Wrongful Death Serial Series video below!
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