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September 2017
Labor Day marked the end of the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer campaign. This campaign was a Zero Fatalities awareness campaign. It ran from Memorial Day to Labor Day from Provo to West Valley City and across Utah. The campaign was to promote road safety and have less fatalities on our highways. This year, people...
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Being in an auto accident is never convenient. You have to deal with the other driver, damages to both cars, insurance companies and, depending on the severity of the accident, potentially a lawyer. About 25 percent of U.S drivers are doing so without insurance. Do you know what happens if you or the person you...
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The school year has just begun — and with it comes busy schedules, new friends, the discovery of secret study spots and late night on-campus hang outs. Yet what many people don’t realize is that in addition to all of the new, exciting things that are happening on campus, the chance of experiencing a slip...
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It feels like the headlines are plastered with the newest disaster day in and day out. Whether it’s the latest wildfire, a large hurricane or even magnitude-8.1 the earthquake that hit Mexico, there’s plenty to be concerned over. But what’s better than being worried? Being prepared. The state of Utah sits on top of the...
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Getting in an accident and sustaining an injury is stressful enough. As if that weren’t enough, you then have to deal with the aftermath of the accident. You’re trying to manage interactions with insurance companies, injuries, property damage and the list goes on. It may be in your best interest to hire a personal injury...
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Ride-share apps continue to grow in popularity. Many people choose this form of transportation over taxis because they tend to have lower fares, convenient pick up, better service and credit card rewards. While Uber and Lyft are convenient, what happens if you are in a ride-share accident? The Ride-Share Driver Driving for Uber or Lyft...
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In today’s world, there are more cars than ever before. People live lives consisting of constant travel, whether that is from work to home or home to a foreign country. Either way, cars are consuming our roads. Each year, every car company releases new models with the most modern features and innovations. However, the abundance...
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Driving is a daily routine that seems easy and doesn’t require much thought. Odds are, you have been driving for quite a while and feel comfortable on the road in most circumstances. There are sometimes, however, when driving can be a bit more challenging than usual. During the Autumn months, Salt Lake City canyon driving...
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Driving is an everyday occurrence for most people in Utah. Whether you’re commuting to Salt Lake City or just driving to a friends house a couple miles away, you’re in the car. A car can seem more of a necessity than a luxury to a lot of people, making driving so common that you wouldn’t...
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