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Labor Day marked the end of the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer campaign. This campaign was a Zero Fatalities awareness campaign. It ran from Memorial Day to Labor Day from Provo to West Valley City and across Utah. The campaign was to promote road safety and have less fatalities on our highways.

This year, people drove 5 percent more miles than last year, and we saw seven fewer fatalities. While the Zero Fatalities campaign is over, we can still make it a goal to have zero fatalities on the road. If you are mourning the wrongful death of a loved one, contact a lawyer to help you heal.


Most of the 181 people that died this summer on Utah highways were motorists. We can each do our part to prevent auto accident cases. An easy way to prevent accidents is to stop driving distracted. Put away the phones, the GPS, and turn down the music.

Be aware of other motorists as you are driving. If you get in an auto accident because of another driver’s distracted driving, contact a lawyer to help you receive the compensation you deserve.


Eleven pedestrians were killed during the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer. It is necessary to be better aware of pedestrians. If you are in a high pedestrian traffic area, such as a college campus, be extra aware of pedestrians. Not all pedestrians will cross the street at the crosswalk.

If you are a pedestrian crossing the street, you can do your own part. Cross the street at the crosswalks. Before you cross, make eye contact with the driver of the car, so you are both aware of one another. If you are hit and suffer from a personal injury, a lawyer can help you determine the compensation for medical bills, and the pain and suffering.


Twenty-four motorcyclists were killed this summer. Before you jump on the freeway to ride your motorcycle to work, check the weather for the day. If it is raining later in the day, don’t risk it. Don’t drive reckless. If you are driving, be aware of motorcyclists. Always check your blind spot. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, a lawyer can help you with the aftermath.


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