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September 1, 2016
While people in Provo might think having longer yellow lights might seem like the best way to lower the risk of getting into an auto accident, this is just a short-term fix. Once drivers figure out that they have more time to get through the yellow light, accidents could actually increase — making work more...
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As your car rolls to a stop for the last time on the streets of Provo, Utah, the same thought runs through everyone’s head, “Oh no. Car shopping again?” It’s hard to find a good deal on a high quality car. But every once in a while you’ll come across an ad for a car...
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The school year is just about to begin — and with it comes busy schedules, new friends, the discovery of secret study spots and late night on-campus hang outs. Yet what many people don’t realize is that in addition to all of the new, exciting things that are happening on campus, the chance of experiencing...
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