Summer is almost here, and you can bet that the college students in Provo, Utah are gearing up for fun in the sun. Summer means time spent outdoors and in the water. It’s a time for adventure and excitement and probably the least likely time to think about hiring a lawyer. However, summer is the...Read More
Auto accidents happen. Whether it’s a mechanical malfunction or a negligent driver checking his texts, eventually something is going to happen to cause an auto accident. It’s good to know what to do if you’re ever in an accident — from the moment of the incident to when you contact one of our lawyer professionals...Read More
It seems as though it’s common sense to adhere to basic crosswalk laws and regulations; however, many people are severely misinformed about what crosswalk laws entail. Like many other states, Utah has its own set of laws and regulations. Whether you’re out for a stroll or just walking your dog in Salt Lake City, here’s...Read More
With summer well underway, a common sight on the road are recreational vehicles, also known as RVs. These road behemoths may be intimidating to drive around, but they can be even worse for a new driver. The best way to avoid an auto accident with an RV is to know what goes on with the...Read More
Not all car accidents are created equal; getting into a minor fender-bender while trying to find a parking spot in Salt Lake City is totally different from getting into a high-speed collision on the I-15 outside of Farmington, Utah. So when does your auto accident dictate hiring a lawyer? Mostly, it depends on injury. Someone...Read More
Liability concerns affect each type of business differently. Those in more dangerous fields may have more legal liability if something goes wrong regarding the safety of an employee, and extreme cases may even call for a wrongful death lawyer. While those in service fields or other injuries may not have to deal with wrongful death...Read More
The inevitable has happened: While leaving an amusement part in Farmington, Utah, a car in front of you slams on his brakes and you rear end him. Your family is traumatized; however, to make matters worse, you immediately realize that your shoulder is radiating intense pain throughout your neck and arm. What should you do?...Read More
When you were a kid, nothing was as exciting as getting to go to the park and play on the playground. The monkey bars are an adventure — you have to hold onto them or risk falling into the treacherous woodchip lava that is the playground. Even though there haven’t been any lava-related injuries on...Read More
When you get into an auto accident, the last thing you want to think about is dealing with your insurance company. Whether you get into a fender-bender on the I-15 outside of Provo, Utah or somebody sideswipes you in the Harmons parking lot, wading through all that insurance minutiae is probably not your idea of...Read More
The ideal situation after an auto accident goes something like this: You file an insurance claim. The insurance company quickly processes your claim. The insurance company offers you a fair settlement, and you accept the settlement. Unfortunately, this ideal situation doesn’t always happen. Sometimes you need help to get the compensation you deserve. Sometimes, you...Read More