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If a person dies because of another person’s wrongful conduct, they call this a wrongful death. That person’s beneficiaries may sue on their behalf. The statutes on wrongful death are complex, and it depends on where you live in the country. Here at Robert J. Debry & Associates, our wrongful death attorneys can help.

Wrongful Death Laws

Lawmakers with the experience of a wrongful death attorney wrote laws to urge the public to practice safety and to prevent accidents and injuries. More so, to provide monetary support for spouses and their children.

A wrongful death action is not the same as criminal charges, and one case should not affect the other. If they acquitted you of wrongful death, the other party’s family could still sue you in a civil lawsuit.

Wrongful Death

Anyone who causes an injury that ends in a person’s demise could be brought up on wrongful death charges, whether the death was intentional or whether it wasn’t. Even an act of violence that results in death a few days later is punishable as wrongful death.

Anyone driving a car that causes another person’s death, although it may have been unintentional or otherwise accidental, may need a wrongful death attorney.

Another example is if you own a pool but do not secure it with a locked gate or fence, the courts can hold you liable for a child who may drown or injure themselves.

However, wrongful death statutes don’t apply to unborn babies. This is mainly because you have to be born alive to be considered someone who has rights. If a newborn child dies and it’s due to a person’s neglect, then the child is a victim of wrongful death action.

Who May Sue?

Who may sue? Any individual who is a surviving relative of the deceased may file a wrongful death claim due to a loved one’s passing. 

For more information, visit today!

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