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When you first get into an accident, you complete a car accident report and may not even know it. It’s what a police officer fills out when they’re talking to you and the other driver. Whenever you see a car accident lawyer from Robert J. DeBry & Associates, you’ll need a copy of this report. If you’re nervous or wondering what it could mean for your case, let’s discuss it.

General Information

When a police officer completes an incident report, it includes details about the accident, such as how many people were in the accident, including passengers. The officer will gather information about any property damage that occurred.

The report may have contact information about the parties involved in the accident, like their phone numbers, insurance information, and addresses. It makes it easy for the attorney to contact the other party as necessary.

Often the report will also have witness reports, which are statements any witnesses make regarding the accident.

It also provides helpful information about any weather or roadway conditions that could have played a role in the accident.

The accident may have resulted from one of the parties committing a crime. That’s why the report will state if any law violations contributed to the accident.

Why an Attorney Wants This Report

A car accident lawyer will want to see the accident report to understand better what happened during the incident. It may provide insight that Robert J. DeBry & Associates can use against the other party. For instance, it may show that the other party committed a traffic violation that caused the accident.

Contact Robert J. DeBry & Associates today if you were recently in an accident. We’re available by calling 801-888-8888. If you don’t know how to obtain the accident report, we’ll guide you in the process and see if we can use it to your advantage.

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