More often than not, when people think of danger out on the open road, their minds are filled with images of newsworthy car crashes, improperly operated semi-trailer trucks and high-speed police chases. While certainly exciting, there’s yet another...
Depending on who you are and the personality you’ve developed over the years, the end of Summer can either be seen as a blessing or a tragic occurrence. For stay-at-home parents and the occasional lawyer both in...
Simply put, whether you live in St. George or elsewhere, dogs are great for families. Not only do they provide a helpful link between parents and children, they’re also excellent for teaching responsibility, learning to love and...
For most concerned parents both living inside and outside of Provo, keeping a child safe while driving in the family car is of the utmost importance. It’s for that very reason that, generally speaking, a great deal...
As far as auto accident safety is concerned here in Salt Lake City, few things are as positively impactful as simply wearing one’s seat belt. Far too often does each and every lawyer at our firm deal...