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Injuries that occur in public spaces require the same attention and legal representation that any other injury would. When someone is injured in one of these public spaces, it’s up to the victim to seek out the help of a personal injury lawyer so that they can understand a few things that constitute this case: what counts as a public space, what are the most common injuries that occur in public spaces, and what they should do in order to file a claim in the event of one of these injuries.

A personal injury lawyer will be able to answer these questions in more depth, but here is a basic summary of what can help you prepare for your initial meeting with your personal injury lawyer regarding public spaces.



What Counts as a Public Space?

A public space is any place which is not privately owned by an individual or corporation. Places like city parks, hiking trails and footpaths are examples of such spaces. Most people confuse places such as a mall as a public space because they are open to the public, however, they are privately owned by an individual or larger organization. Because some historical landmarks and sites do not require the purchase of admission to access certain areas, these spaces often fall in the middle of private and public spaces.

To put it into simpler terms, a public space can refer to areas where the general public might gather. As mentioned previously, parks fall under the “public space” category, but stadiums, concert halls, shopping malls and arenas are viewed as private spaces.

Common Public Space Injuries

Caution signs and wet floor signs are common warnings that you’ll find in private spaces. The owners of these places are legally responsible when it comes to notifying customers of dangerous situations that can result in injury, but sometimes, these warnings aren’t displayed properly and injuries are inevitable.

Common public space injuries include trip, slip and fall accidents that result in that injuries could lead to the involvement of a personal injury lawyer.

What to Do After an Injury

Since most public spaces are owned by the government, these accidents will likely require the help of a personal injury lawyer — the last thing you want to do is go up against them by yourself. Injuries sustained in a park, hiking trail, footpath or playground are all scenarios in which a personal injury lawyer should be involved. The same applies to a cyclist who is hurt on a public path due to a construction sites lack of proper warning signs.

You’ll need a personal injury lawyer to represent your case in the event that your injury involves:

  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Brain trauma
  • Future wage losses
  • Wrongful death
  • Child injuries
  • Permanent disabilities

If you or someone you know has been injured in a public space accident, don’t hesitate to contact our team of attorneys here at Robert J. DeBry and Associates. We’ll work hard to get you the compensation that you deserve for your lost wages, injuries or any other damage.


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