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Why you should choose Robert J. Debry & Associates

Robert J. DeBry & Associates has over 250 years of combined experience in the practice of injury law. Your leading personal injury lawyer in Utah is dedicated to helping victims get their deserved compensation. Our exponential growth recorded over the years is founded on our firm’s commitment to client satisfaction. We are a customer-centered organization determined to maximize our client’s recovery, and our success record speaks for itself.

State-of-the-art case management

At Robert j. DeBry & Associates, we understand that gone are the days when a case was worked on using paper files and landlines. We employ a state-of-the-art custom case management system to enable safe and remote access, upload of case files, case reporting, organize complex legal information, and conduct trial preparation by our staff. Your leading personal injury attorney understands the need to keep the client’s information readily accessible while maintaining confidentiality. We have kept up with technological advancements in information technology to ensure data safety.

Expert witnesses

Our vast network of expert witnesses to facilitate your trial is another aspect that sets us apart from the rest of the pack. An expert witness or a judicial expert has specialized knowledge on a subject, which helps obtain expert evidence from accident sites.

Resources and technology

Robert j. DeBry & Associates work in a modern environment founded under innovation and efficiency. Your injury attorney understands the importance of technology to your case and employs the most advanced solutions for case management.

We can be in any part of the world within a moment’s notice since we utilize satellite technology. Each of our trial attorneys has remote access to your file and can hold meetings, store and share files with critical staff handling your case at any time from any part of the globe. We have open communication lines between our clients, attorneys, and case managers to enhance accountability and ensure clients have access to the most recent information concerning their cases.

In case you or a loved one has suffered an injury, contact your leading personal injury lawyer.

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