Every workplace has its hazards. From paper cuts to slip and fall injuries, every employee needs to know what to do if he or she experiences a workplace injury.
Report Injury Immediately
It doesn’t matter if you are an elementary school teacher in Salt Lake City or a construction worker in the Big Apple: Report any injuries immediately when you are hurt on the job.
Before you contact a lawyer, contact your supervisor — and report the conversation in writing. Though many states only require you to speak to a supervisor on the phone, reporting the details of your injury in writing gives you a record to track the progress of your claim. Give as much detail as possible. Was your injury the result of a slip and fall, a machinery malfunction or human error? When did the accident happen? Where did it happen? Were there any witnesses to the site of injury?
Keep Copies of Records
As you navigate through the aftereffects of your workplace injury, create and store copies of important documents. If a problem arises with your claim, a lawyer can use these records to fight for you.
Seek Proper Medical Attention
Ask your company representative what corporate policy is for seeking medical attention. Some companies have designated physicians you must use if you intend to seek compensation for your injury.
These requirements can also vary from state to state. For instance, if you are an injured employee in Salt Lake City, you must visit your employer’s designated provider first. After that initial visit, you are free to seek medical help from the doctor of your choice.
Don’t Be Afraid to Appeal
After you meet with a medical professional, he or she will work with your employer to file paperwork with the designated insurance provider and your state labor commission. If your slip and fall accident occurred in Salt Lake City, Utah state law requires the insurance company to notify you whether or not you will be compensated within 21 days of receiving your claim. If your claim is denied compensation, you can contact a lawyer and appeal for a hearing with the state labor commission.