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Up to date, some people living in Utah have little to no information regarding what wrongful death entails. Wrongful death is where an individual dies due to negligence by another person or institution. Every state has its laws regarding the process of carrying out a wrongful death lawsuit. A Wrongful Death Lawyer in Utah can help the affected individuals to navigate the necessary process to emerge victorious in court.

In wrongful death cases, the survivors related to the dead parties are called real parties in interest. They must have a representative to file a wrongful death claim in court on their behalf. In Utah, the parents of unmarried children, spouses, stepchildren, or children of the deceased can become representatives. However, if none of the above parties are available, the representative could be any other blood relative. A wrongful death lawyer in Utah can help in choosing a suitable representative.

Circumstances That Make An Incident A Wrongful Death Case


Medical Malpractice

When patients visit medical facilities to receive care, they expect quality services to improve their health. However, at times negligent doctor hospitals could worsen their medical conditions, making them die. It’s known as medical malpractice, and some of the careless activities under it could be misdiagnosis or poor illness management. The affected parties can file a legal case against the healthcare providers for their negligence and hospitals for improper sanitation, hiring unqualified personnel, and defective medical equipment.

Car Accidents

Fatal accident cases that arise from the negligent acts of drivers, including drunk driving and overspeeding, can be eligible for wrongful death. That’s if the injured victims died on the spot or while in hospital. Individuals that lose their loved ones in car accidents can seek assistance from credible law firms in Utah, including Robert J. DeBry & Associates, on how to get justice.

An Intentional Act

Wrongful death claims can apply in situations where intentional murder is evident. The defendants can face criminal case charges and still suffer the consequences of wrongful death lawsuits. The wrongful death case is more of a civil matter, making it different from the criminal case.

Get Immediate Legal Help For Your Wrongful Death Case


Individuals with wrongful death cases can turn to Robert J. DeBry & Associates for legal counsel and representation services. While at this company, they’ll find a criminal death lawyer in Utah that will pay attention to their needs and deliver personalized services. The available legal team can represent both defendants and plaintiffs of cases, ensuring they get the best outcomes.

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