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Labor Day Weekend Warnings: How to Stay Safe While Traveling

September marks a lot of change: a new school for kids and young adults, the beginning of the transition from summer to autumn, and working individuals another anticipated three-day weekend. In Utah, Labor Day weekend often acts as the last short getaway in the warm heat. During this weekend, you will find families and groups of friends packed into vehicles all across I-15. As much fun as it is to escape to St. George, Lake Powell or Bear Lake, drivers must be cautious if they want to have a safe trip and avoid talking with a car accident lawyeror attorney.

In order to ensure safe travels for you and your group, here are several helpful reminders to keep in mind as you drive throughout the state over this Labor Day weekend.

Stay Alert— Drowsy Driving is no joke. In recent years, a drowsy driver crash occurred around every six and a half hours; two percent of all Utah accidents in 2016involved a drowsy driver. With the exciting Labor Day weekend in the rearview mirror and individuals needing to get back to work on Tuesday, there will be a lot more vehicles on the road and many will be operated by exhausted drivers. Be sure to stay alert and on the watch for any signs of a drowsy driver.

Avoid Traveling Alone— If you are heading home for the weekend or joining your family or friends at a well-removed location from where you are, try to make sure that you are not alone. Traveling with someone will give you an extra set of eyes and another potential driver if you become sleepy. Not to mention, adding a passenger increases your conscious responsibility as a driver and will stand as a reminder that you must drive carefully.

Follow Your Schedule— Make sure to create a trip schedule and follow to it. This will help you avoid rushing around in a reckless manner. Be sure to account for traffic delays.

Avoid Recklessness— All car accidents are tragic, but a car accident lawyer can confirm that the hardest accidents emotionally are the ones that could have been easily avoided. It is a premeditated decision to text and drive, drink and drive, and to drive aggressively. Be responsible and put your phone in “Driving Mode” or “Do Not Disturb Mode” unless you give it to someone else. There is never a place for alcohol when it comes to driving. When the trip is over and it’s time to return, let it be over; help others in your car group understand that the fun should not affect the driver’s focus. Last of all, if you follow a schedule, you should have zero reason to rush home in an aggressive manner—remember to think of the safety of yourself and others while you are behind the wheel.

One of the hardest things about accidents is that sometimes there is no preventing it. You may have done your part in maintaining safe travel, but another driver on the road might not have been as careful as you. Whether it is because they are in a rush, are sleepy, or drive careless and recklessly, you may end up as a victim in an accident. Negotiating with the other driver and the associated third-party insurance company is not always an easy task. To be sure that all your car accident-related expenses are covered, consider hiring a car accident lawyer to ensure full coverage.

If you are unsure whether or not you think you can hire a legal team to take care of your case, know that we will not get paid until after the case is settled in your favor. For a free consultation with a car accident lawyer or attorney today, go to or call us at 801-699-9999.

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