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The Importance of Changing the Air in Your Tires

Whether you’re on the snowy roads of Ogden, Utah or the stormy East Coast, vehicle safety is a number one concern in the winter time. During the winter months, auto accident rates rise, attorney consultations spike and E.R. visits become an epidemic. From reckless driving to icy roads, vehicle dangers become more of an issue.

One of the most overlooked reasons for a winter car accident is the air in the tires. It may sound silly, but the air pressure in car tires change with time and temperature. Here are some things you may not have known about the air in your tires. Make sure you upkeep your tires to avoid a call to your lawyer and a call to a tow truck.

The Power of Air Pressure

You see this when you have a flat tire, the tire itself does not support the weight of your vehicle; it’s the air pressure inside your tire. The proper air pressure not only keeps your car moving, but it results in better handling, durability, traction and fuel economy.

The proper air pressure will make sure you avoid an auto accident and save you money on gas. That’s two less things to worry about.

How Temperature Changes Air Pressure

A change of 10 degrees Fahrenheit can drop your tires inflation by one psi. This may not sound like a lot, but on a day where the temperature drops 30 to 40 degrees, your tires will suffer a three to four psi drop. This is enough to cause serious issues while driving; it can lead to an accident and reduced gas mileage ⎯ nothing good comes out of neglecting your tires.

Stay safe this holiday season by maintaining your tires properly. As always, if you or someone you know has been in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, call our attorney team here at Robert J. DeBry and Associates.


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