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Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death across the world. On average, 3,287 people die each day in fatal car accidents. The causes of these car accidents range from distracted driving to drivers driving under the influence. Car accident lawyers will tell you that no matter how careful you might be, there are drivers out there that drive with no regard to other’s safety. While car accidents are an unfortunate and regular occurrence, it’s worth noting that there have been famous car accident cases that have rocked the media, and even the most famous of people aren’t immune to reckless road behaviors.

We here at Robert J. DeBry and Associates have written this blog to talk about some of the most well-known car accidents throughout the years.

Paul Walker

On November 30th of 2013, Fast and the Furious star Paul Walker was killed in a high-speed auto accident in Santa Clarita, Los Angeles. The actor was sitting as a passenger in a Porsche when his friend, Roger Rodas, lost control of the vehicle and collided with trees and a utility pole. Both men died in the accident, and their bodies were burned beyond recognition.

James Dean

Perhaps one of the most iconic actors of his time, James Dean was speeding through the roads of Cholame, California, when he struck another vehicle head-on in his Porsche 550 spyder, only nine days after acquiring it. He died once he arrived at the Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital on September 30th, 1955. Dean was on his way to a race in Salinas and was given a speeding ticker hours before his death.

Ryan Dunn

Ryan Dunn’s case is one that a car accident lawyer sees often. On June 20th of 2011, Ryan Dunn and his friend Zach Hartwell were both killed in what is described by the local police chief as the worst accident that he had ever seen. The accident happened at 2:30 a.m. and it is known that, hours prior, a picture posted on Twitter showed Dunn drinking at a nearby restaurant. Investigations later revealed that Dunn’s BAC level was double the legal limit, and he had been traveling as fast as 140 miles per hour at the time of the accident.

Hartwell’s parents filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Dunn’s estate, claiming that their son’s death was a direct result of Dunn’s reckless actions.

Steve Prefontaine

Record-breaking track star Steve Prefontaine liked to celebrate his victories with drinks. After a spectacular performance in his hometown, in which he won a National Collegiate Athletic Association Meet (NCAA), Prefontaine attended a party afterwards. Prefontaine had been drinking throughout the entirety of the night but showed no obvious signs of intoxication, which fooled his friends and even his girlfriend into thinking he was fine to drive.

Authorities discovered his body trapped beneath his convertible a few hours later, and an autopsy revealed that Prefontaine had a 0.16 percent BAC, which was high enough to land him in jail in Oregon. A neighbor discovered Prefontaine alive, but he passed by the time the medics arrived.

It is not uncommon for car accident lawyer sees cases like these, and while these infamous accidents involve celebrities, it just goes to show that they could happen to anyone. If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident due to someone else’s negligence, contact a car accident lawyer here at Robert J. DeBry and Associates.

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