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Have You Contracted Hepatitis C? Call Robert J. DeBry & Associates

If you have tested positive for hepatitis C after visiting the McKay-Dee Hospital in Ogden, Utah, you may be entitled to compensation.

In an ongoing medical malpractice case, we at Robert J. DeBry & Associates are reaching out to those who have been exposed to hepatitis C while visiting the emergency room at McKay-Dee Hospital. If you or your loved ones have been exposed to this incurable disease or even experienced a wrongful death, contact one of our lawyer representatives in Salt Lake City or St. George to represent your case.

Details of the Lawsuit

Between the dates of June 17, 2013 and November 25, 2014, more than 4,800 patients were potentially exposed to the hepatitis C virus in the ER of the McKay-Dee Hospital in Ogden. A former registered nurse at the hospital has been suspected of stealing medications and switching needles, and may have exposed numerous patients to the particular strain of hepatitis C she herself carried.

While no wrongful death cases have yet been reported, hepatitis C is an incurable and potentially deadly disease. Multiple patients have already tested positive for the disease; if you suspect you or a loved one may have come in contact with the disease, seek medical care and the assistance of a lawyer in St. George as soon as possible.

About Hepatitis C

If you were a patient at McKay-Dee Hospital between June 17, 2013 and November 25, 2014 yet exhibit no outward symptoms, you could still test positive for the disease. Between 70 and 80 percent of patients infected with Hepatitis C exhibit no outward symptoms and may not even know they have the disease. While a short-term, acute infection can be treated with antiviral medication, a chronic, long-term infection soon becomes incurable — and can even lead to wrongful death.

Hepatitis C can be spread through infected needles, contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an infected person, sexual contact with an infected person or being born to a mother infected with the disease. Complications of hepatitis C include liver disease, liver failure and even wrongful death.

What You Can Do

If you suspect you may have contracted hepatitis C, don’t wait — seek medical attention immediately. If you suspect you have contracted hepatitis C due to the negligence of the McKay-Dee Hospital, speak to a lawyer at the offices of Robert J. DeBry & Associates, located in both Salt Lake City and St. George.

The more people who come forward, the stronger the case — so contact us today to speak with a lawyer in St. George or Salt Lake City and get the compensation you deserve.

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