According to the CDC, about 100 million people in the US search for emergency treatment for accidental injuries every year. Such events are called personal injury cases. Personal injury cases occur when a person suffers an injury due to another person’s or institution’s negligence or misconduct. The following are the most common types of personal injury cases:
Auto Accident Injuries
Millions of people sustain injuries, and thousands more die as a result of road accidents in the United States. Auto-related accidents include car accidents, pedestrian accidents, motorcycle accidents, and bicycle accidents.
If you are injured in an auto-related accident for which you were not at fault, you deserve to receive compensation from the guilty party. You must prove negligence on the other person’s part, which is why a Utah personal injury attorney is necessary.
The monetary compensation will cover the cost of getting medical attention for your injuries. It will also cover the financial loss you experience as a result of the injuries, for example, not working and earning an income.
Medical Malpractice
Medical practice is one of the leading causes of death in the country, hence a significant amount of personal injury cases involve medical malpractice.
Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional or institution fails to adhere to the established standard of care. Common types of medical malpractice include misdiagnosis, improper treatment, medication errors, birth injuries, failure to treat, delayed diagnosis, anesthesia, and surgical errors.
Medical malpractice injuries are often life-altering, and compensation for the financial, physical, and emotional hardships the aggrieved party faces is warranted. However, medical malpractice cases can be complex, which is why you will need a personal injury lawyer who specifically deals with medical malpractice. They will have adequate expertise to get sufficient compensation.
Workplace Injuries
According to the National Safety Council, a worker is injured on the job every seven seconds. Most employees will file a personal injury claim against their employer in case of a workplace injury.
The law requires employers to provide injured employees with various benefits, such as medical treatment, and compensation for the injuries. However, the laws vary from state to state, so there may be pitfalls to gaining compensation hence the importance of a personal injury attorney.
Wrongful Death
A prevalent personal injury case is wrongful death where someone dies as a result of negligence on someone else’s part. It is up to the deceased’s loved ones to pursue the claim.
Some accidents can result in instant death or injuries so severe that they lead to death. Most wrongful death cases result from medical malpractice, auto accidents, and workplace accidents.
A wrongful death case means recovering damages that are unique and different from those from non-fatal injuries.
There are many types of personal injury cases where one can pursue compensation, including those outlined above. If you have any of the above claims in Utah, please contact a Utah personal injury lawyer immediately for assistance with your case.