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Even with more street signs and slower speed limits, residential areas pose some significant dangers to drivers. This is especially true with the weather warming up. More people—and pets—will be outdoors, which means drivers need to practice extra caution to avoid a collision. Here are some tips car accident lawyers recommend that you follow:

car accident lawyers


Our team of car accident lawyers have seen too many tragic cases when distracted driving has had a lasting impact on someone’s life. Make sure that you are alert when driving in residential areas and remember that pedestrians always have the right-of-way.

See the Signs

Sometimes when we’re driving, we have a tendency to tune out some of our surroundings. This is especially true if we are traveling a street that we are familiar with. As car accident lawyers we know that small details, including nearby signage, can play a role in the success or failure of a lawsuit. Make sure to be alert to any local signs. They often point out dangers specific to the layout of the neighborhood.

Slow Down

Believe it or not, speeding can be just as much a problem in residential areas as it is on the highway, perhaps even more so since children and pets are nearby and may dart out into the road. Just because there may be less traffic in these areas does not mean that you should accelerate. The speed limit is low for a reason and shouldn’t be ignored.

Poor Lighting

Residential areas don’t always have the same amount of lighting as other types of roads. This can make it difficult to see bicyclists or pedestrians, especially if they aren’t wearing reflectors. Be extra cautious during dark or twilight hours.

Our main priority as car accident lawyers is your wellbeing. We want you and your loved ones to remain healthy and safe. If you are suffering because of another driver’s carelessness, we can help you get the compensation you need to get on the road to recovery. Visit our website today to get started.


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