When the doctor provides a medication, the impulse reaction is to always trust their advice. If the doctor prescribed it, then the medication couldn’t be harmful, could it? Although doctors will usually go over the side effects of...
Throughout the course of any given life, intimidating situations are bound to arise. Whether it be a public speaking engagement, first date or job interview, dealing with the uncomfortable is just another facet of the typical human...
Growing up either here in Utah or elsewhere, parents generally exercise extreme caution when dealing with their children. From learning to walk to taking the family car out for a spin, life brings with it a handful...
Puppies spend a lot of their first weeks and months playing, chewing and exploring. All of these activities help puppies to learn about how to use their mouths and their sharp teeth. Biting may seem cute when a...
Many of us have experiences on the road that involve someone else driving erratically and in an unsafe way. Road rage involves getting angry while driving and letting that anger dictate the manner in which the car is...