Even in cities as quaint as Provo, auto accidents—oftentimes fatal, unfortunately—are a regular, daily occurrence. More often than not, drivers are to blame. Texting, inebriation and even road rage all play their respective roles in causing automotive travesty....
In recent years, the National Football League (NFL) has come under fire for its lack of player protection with respect to head injuries. Needless to say, many a lawyer has been involved in the matter. With players like...
In order to survive, it’s widely assumed that food, shelter, clothing and water are needed. Regardless of whether you’re currently taking up residence in Farmington, Utah or another another location in our beautiful home state, more than likely,...
La muerte de un amado es muy difícil, pero la pérdida de un miembro de la familia por los actos negligentes de otra persona es aún más difícil. Por desgracia, cada año, muchas familias en Salt Lake City...
Técnicamente, los accidentes son evitables, pero parece que los accidentes automovilísticos son algunos de los más comunes. En Utah, cientos de accidentes automovilísticos ocurren cada año. Nuestro equipo de abogados de accidentes automovilísticos quiere compartir algunos consejos básicos...