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Top Three Reasons People Hire Attorneys

There are many different legal circumstances that call for the help of an attorney, such as: dealing with family or business issues, handling false crime, sustaining an injury in an accident, and protecting your assets. However, the three main reasons you should hire a personal injury attorney, car accident attorney, business attorney, and/or a court justice attorney, is because they understand the complexities of Law, they can get you the money you deserve, and they know how to negotiate with others professionally. 

Complex Law

Without ever studying law beyond high school or college, you might not understand how intricate every single law can become. For example, the law for traffic control signals alone has eight different sections with multiple subsections that are referred to along the lines of, “Subsection (7)(a)(ii).” The verbiage as well is nothing like reading a friendly self-improvement book either. Understanding law is as easy as reading a “terms of agreement” or contract. The point is, whether you need a criminal justice attorney or a personal injury attorney, all attorneys know the law and understand how to decipher complicated texts in order for you to win your case. Without an attorney, you are likely unable to go toe-to-toe with an opposing insurance company, business, or third-party lawyers. Your own personal injury attorney will be able to do the research for you in your behalf.


In order to recover the damages or injuries sustained in an accident or unjust event, compensation needs to be made. You most certainly are not expected to cover your medical bills, accident repair bills, lost wages, and more when you are not at fault. Some people who have never hired a legal team hold a stigma against those who do; often, they will think that using an attorney or lawyer is a greedy way to take advantage of a situation—this is folly. 

A legal team understands that the time it takes to fully overcome a legal case comes from your own personal time. With an attorney, the hassle that comes from your personal time is accounted for and paid out in your return. However, without a legal team, you are likely to either miss out entirely on compensation or only receive what an insurance company or other company offers. Remember, third-party companies and insurances do not have loyalty to you and are more concerned with their money than they are about your personal care.

Negotiation Skills

You may understand the law and know your rights, but you might not understand how to phrase it. With an attorney on your side, you don’t have to worry about presenting the facts. They will do it for you. Further, you risk falling into a trap by the opposing party when you try to plead your case, but with an experienced personal injury attorney or criminal justice attorney, they will be able to recognize any bait thrown out by the other side and deflect it safely. In the end, they can reach across the table for you and create the agreement you need.

Whether you are someone who dropped out of high school or graduated from college with honors, your rights are the same and a legal team is going to know how to protect them better than you. They will dig into the depths of the Law, find the amount you deserve in return, and negotiate the terms for you. For a free consultation with a personal injury attorney, business attorney, or car accident attorney, call Robert J. DeBry and Associates today at 801-699-9999.

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