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Steven G. Sullivan, Named as 2017’s Utah Legal Elite

300_0007_Steve1_RJD_3691When you have the passion and drive to dedicate yourself to your craft, you can achieve greatness. Your hard work will eventually leave you counted among the elites. As a personal injury lawyer, developing expertise in your field means promising to help each auto accident, motorcycle accident or drug injury as best as you possibly can.

Our very own Steven G. Sullivan has been announced as one of Utah’s Legal Elites for the year of 2017. Through the hundreds of cases he has resolved while working at our firm, his greatness is not hard to see.

2017’s Utah Legal Elite

Being recognized in your field by the high-profile cases you’ve worked on is nice. But when a group of your peers chooses to recognize you because they have seen your devotion to client’s and your desire to make Salt Lake City a better place, that’s when you know you’ve succeeded.

Each year Utah Business Magazine holds a balloting process where members of the Utah Bar submit the names of the lawyer they hold in the highest regard. These are the people they would recommend to others.

Due to his deep sense of obligation to each client he works with, Sullivan is counted among the leaders of his industry as one of the greats. Through his relations with clients and the feedback he continues to receive, he is now ranked as a national client favorite.

About Steven G. Sullivan

A University of Utah alumni, Sullivan has been a lawyer with Robert J. DeBry for over three decades now. His love for his work shines through in the way that he dedicates himself to helping each client as best as he can.

Not only does he handle cases in his day to day work, but he has also found himself working by the sides of legislators when the legislation at hand can affect the rights of drivers who have been injured by others.

We find ourselves lucky to be surrounded by such exceptionally talented individuals. We would like to take a moment to recognize Sullivan, our national client favorite.

Legal Elite

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