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In the event of an accident, it often comes as common knowledge and instinct to contact the authorities afterward. However, accident severity differs depending on the situation, and if you’re faced with a less severe accident, you might feel inclined to avoid contacting the authorities as to not blow a situation out of proportion. While this may seem like the right thing to do, a car accident lawyer might warn against taking any situation too lightly and even encourage you to contact the police no matter what the situation is.

So, why exactly should you contact the police after you’ve been involved in a minor fender bender? We here at Robert J. DeBry and Associates have written this blog to help you understand the importance of taking the necessary precautions for any car accident occasions.

Delay in Damage Recovery

Oftentimes, the other driver might urge you to refrain from contacting the authorities, but a car accident lawyer will warn you against this due to future delays in damage recovery. At the time of the accident, not all the damage to the vehicles and the people are apparent, which can make it seem as if nothing serious happened. However, pain and injuries could arise later on, and while the exterior of your vehicle might look fine, you could soon find that interior damages to your vehicle’s structure or other important parts have started to become an issue.

If you go against a car accident lawyer’s advice, you could struggle to receive the compensation that you should have gotten from the opposing party due to the absence of a police report.

Future Liability Disputes

Another issue that you can face if you decide not to contact the authorities is the future dispute over accident liability. During the initial accident, the responsible party will do anything they can to make sure that you don’t contact the authorities. But, once you exchange insurance and contact information with them, they may disagree later with everything that you initially agreed upon during the first encounter. Why? Because there is no police report to hold them liable for their actions. At that point, it’s their word against yours, and now they will do everything in their power to ensure that they get the best possible outcome.

You should always contact the authorities, no matter how minor your accident may seem. It’s better to leave this up to the police. If they decide that the accident is too minor, you can still get a police report and even ask the authorities for advice before consulting with your car accident lawyer. If you or someone you know is facing legal difficulties after an accident, contact a car accident lawyer here at Robert J. DeBry and Associates. We can help resolve your case and get you the compensation that you deserve.

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