A personal injury lawyer helps with a variety of different types of injury cases. From medical malpractice to dog bites, they’ll stand with you. Drug injury is a type of personal injury that may make you eligible for legal representation and compensation.
A drug injury occurs when an individual has been harmed or killed after taking a certain over-the-counter drug or prescription medication. Like most personal injury cases, drug injury is only eligible for a lawsuit if the injury or death was preventable. It also has to be attributed to the action or inaction of a physician, pharmacist, or manufacturer. A personal injury lawyer can help you determine if your situation qualifies for a lawsuit.
Many factors go into drug injury liability. For example, different healthcare providers may use different methods for treatment. Each different procedure comes with its own risk. The driving point of a drug injury case is whether or not the injury or death could have been avoided. In most cases, it’s physicians, pharmacists, and drug manufacturers that are held accountable for these types of injuries.
A personal injury lawyer may be able to help you or a loved one receive compensation for a variety of different damages depending on the incident. For example:
- Permanent Injury
- Medical expenses
- Lost income
- Funeral or burial expenses
- Pain and Suffering
- Diminished quality of life
This compensation can play an essential role in helping you to cover costs while you work toward recovery.
At Robert J. Debry and Associates, every personal injury lawyer on our team is dedicated to giving each case the attention it deserves. We are here to answer your questions—24 hours a day, seven days a week. Visit our website today to learn more.
Source: https://www.wkw.com/drug-injuries/faqs/what-is-a-drug-injury/