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For Motorcyclists: How to Share the Road Safely with Other Vehicles

Most of the time you hear about motorcycles and safety, it’s about how automobile drivers can keep our motorcyclists safe, and that’s for good reason. Many drivers don’t know how to drive properly when they’re driving near or around motorcyclists and it leads to thousands of deaths every year. Far too many attorney teams get calls every year because a motorcyclist was hit by another driver.

However, while it’s incredibly important that our drivers are careful when driving near motorcyclists, motorcyclists also have a duty to drive safely in order to keep both themselves and others safe. There are just as many tips for driving near motorcycles as there are for driving motorcycles. If you drive a motorcycle, here are a few tips to follow that will help you avoid having to hire a motorcycle accident attorney in the future.

Signal. Signal. Signal.
If you don’t want other drivers to hit you, you need to be responsible as well. Other drivers can’t read your mind and they don’t know what you’re going to do next. So, always be sure to signal for at least three seconds before changing lanes.

Obey the Speed Limit
Speeding will only increase your chances of getting into a wreck. The fact is that the faster you’re going, the harder it will be to slow down. Don’t cause a wreck because you were speeding and couldn’t slowdown in time.

Ride Defensively
Don’t assume that other drivers can see you. More than two-thirds of all motorcycle accidents occur because a driver violated a motorcyclist’s right of way. To avoid having to hire a motorcycle accident attorney, always make sure that you ride defensively by keeping your headlights on at all times, staying out of other drivers’ blind spots, signaling in advance and watching out for other vehicles that may be turning.

Don’t Drive Drunk or Drowsy
This rule, without a doubt, goes for every single driver out there. Never drive if you’re drunk or feeling drowsy; call a cab if you need to or have a friend pick you up. Thousands of people die every year in crashes involving alcohol-impaired driving and you don’t want to be one of those people.

If you have been in a motorcycle accident, call us here at Robert J. DeBry in Utah, whether you’re in St. George or West Valley City, to speak with a motorcycle accident attorney today.


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