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Don’t Mix ‘Em: 8 of the Most Common Drunk Driving Myths


These days, it seems that any and all social gatherings are generally seen as an opportunity to consume alcohol. While the moralistic compasses of each individual person—be they from Salt Lake City, Utah or elsewhere—might differ ever so slightly, one principle must remain a societal constant: driving while intoxicated is unacceptable.

For those who’ve not only made the horrendous act a mainstay of pleasurable interaction, but have even gone as far as defending their irresponsible behavior, a number of unstable, flimsy reasons are often used for justificatory purposes.

The truth of the matter? Few, if any of them, actually contain the slightest smidgen of fact. It’s for that very reason that we’ve made it a point to set the record straight. Take a look at the following infographic to better understand what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to drunk driving, its perpetrators and its victims:

Fusion 360 - Don't Mix 'Em - 8 of the Most Common Drunk Driving Myths [Robert J. DeBry]

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