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Costume Additions and Suggestions to Keep Your Kids Safe

As we settle into the fall season more, you’ll most likely notice that more and more seasonal Halloween stores are popping up while superstores such as Wal-Mart and Target are beginning to put out their Halloween merchandise. This holiday is especially popular amongst the youth in the United States—a day where kids are able to dress up and pretend to be their favorite characters, monsters or even idols. Aside from the costumes and makeup, there is one thing that kids are most excited about: trick-or-treating.

On Halloween day, it is tradition to go from door to door, collecting candy from your neighbors and indulging in the candy that is received when kids go home. However, all of this fun can blind parents to that fact that personal injury is especially possible on this night. If you don’t properly prepare your child, you may find yourself personal injury attorney even on Halloween night.

With so many kids walking around the streets on Halloween, it’s important to make sure that your child’s costume is as safe as possible to help them avoid an injury. Here are some ways you as a parent can make sure your child’s costume keeps them safe while they continue their hunt for candy.

Use Glow-in-the-Dark and Light Up Accessories

It’s important to make sure that your kids are visible while they are trick-or-treating. Most costumes may be too dark for others to see, especially since trick-or-treating takes place after the sun has set. Add some glow necklaces or bracelets to your child’s costume or attach small LED accessories. This will keep them visible to other trick-or-treaters and any vehicles that may be on the road.

If your child happens to face an injury while trick-or-treating, especially if they were visible, due to someone else’s negligence, contact a personal injury attorney at Robert J. DeBry and Associates. We’ll look into your case and find a solution.

Check Any Built-In Accessories and Fire Warnings on All Costumes

If your child’s costume comes with any battery powered accessories, make sure you test them to make sure they are working properly and aren’t defective. Since 1980, there have been 16 cases in which a child was injured due to a Halloween costume incident. While the number may seem low, it is not an impossible occurrence.

If your child has been injured due to a malfunctioning Halloween accessory, contact a personal injury attorney at Robert J. DeBry and Associates. We will hold the company responsible for your child’s pain and suffering and get you the compensation you need.

Make Sure the Costume Fits Your Child

Trip and fall accidents are more common if your child’s costume is too baggy for them. Always make sure that you child can properly walk, and even run, in their costume. If you notice that your child’s costume drags on the ground or impedes their movement, consider exchanging it for a smaller size or even adjusting it yourself, if you know how.

Follow these tips to make sure your kids have a fun and safe Halloween this year. As always, contact a personal injury attorney here at Robert J. DeBry and Associates if you require legal representation due to your child’s injuries. We’re here to help keep you and your family safe.

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