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It’s the last PlayStation 4 in the stack, and you’ll do things you aren’t proud of to get that gift for your son’s Christmas. Such are the joys of Black Friday — whether you’re a doctor, a lawyer or an average Joe, we give thanks and carb load in preparation to shop until we drop.

As you begin your holiday shopping with dramatic discounts, take into consideration safety precautions you can put into action before diving in. Don’t enter a Salt Lake City store without a game plan.

The Hidden Dangers

Unfortunately for some families, Black Friday doesn’t always end happy. Jdimytai Damour worked at Wal-Mart in 2008 when he fell victim to a trampling wrongful death. The pressure of the 2,000 people outside the store left the glass of the doors compromised before he could move. With a proper lawyer, they could’ve won the restitution they deserved.

For many people, auto accident risks are a huge danger on Black Friday. After pulling an all-nighter to score the best gifts, you become a hazard to those on the road around you.

Be Prepared

Don’t be a wrongful death headline; use caution and courtesy as you navigate your way through Black Friday. Dress for warmth and make your game plan before going inside. By setting up places to meet around the store, a lost cell phone or spotty service won’t slow you down.

Protect your gifts by keeping them on you. No one wants to end a holiday with a broken window on her car. If you’re feeling the after effects of turkey and you can’t seem to keep your eyes open, arrange a ride after you shop — no one wants the hassle of calling their auto accident lawyer so early in the morning.

Most importantly, don’t allow your shopping to be spoiled by grumpy shoppers. Be happy, spread joy and most importantly be safe.

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