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Car accidents in the U.S. reach the millions every year, from towns back east to our very own Salt Lake City. While many of these accidents are a result of reckless and distracted driving, many forget to acknowledge another fatal auto accident type:_hitch trailer accidents. These accidents happen when a vehicle towing a hitch trailer loses the extension or they strike another vehicle with the trailer.

These accidents are more common than you think, as people often misjudge following distance and the room they take up on the road due to a hitch trailer. An auto accident lawyer from Robert J. DeBry & Associates will be able to help you if you are involved in a hitch trailer accident.

Get informed on how these collisions occur, and learn how to keep yourself safe on the roads.

Misjudging the Size of Your Vehicle

One of the most common ways a hitch trailer accident can occur is if the driver fails to take into account the total size of their vehicle. This can be especially dangerous when switching lanes. The driver may think that they have enough room between them and the car in the next lane, but their trailer strikes the other car.

This results in damage to your trailer, the other driver’s car and potential injury to both parties. It is best to contact your lawyer if you’re not sure of how to handle the situation.

Not Properly Hitching Your Trailer

Another way these accidents occur is if the trailer isn’t properly hitched to the vehicle. Most hitch trailers require you to put a pin through the ball and hitch, keeping it from detaching. This keeps you safe when your vehicle is turning, moving quickly and going over bumps. It’s also required that you use a chain to secure the trailer.

Failure to secure it properly could cause the trailer to detach from the vehicle. This leads to a possible auto accident. Be a responsible driver and stay aware of the trailers around you.

If you have been involved in a serious accident because of a hitch trailer, contact an attorney on our team now for a consultation.



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