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What Types of Damages Are Recoverable in a Wrongful Death Case?

A Wrongful Death Lawyer Can Help

The loss of a loved one takes a tremendous toll on a family. Among other hardships the family experiences, financial hardship takes center stage. Each state has laws that provide a means to ease this financial burden when an entity or person is legally responsible for the deceased person’s death. If you’ve lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence, a wrongful death lawyer can help you. 

What Is a Wrongful Death Case?

It is a civil action taken by the estate or survivors of a person who died due to another’s intentional actions or negligence with the help of a wrongful death lawyer. Different states have specific laws governing wrongful death claims, including who can file such a lawsuit.

What Are the Categories of Damages in a Wrongful Death Case?

Generally, three types of wrongful death damages can be awarded to spouses, children, or parents of the deceased. 

They include:

Economic damages

Economic damages represent the financial contribution the victim would have made to the family or estate if they hadn’t passed away. It also includes:

  • Loss of the victims expected earnings
  • Medical and funeral expenses
  • Loss of benefits such as medical coverage and pension plans
  • Loss of inheritance due to the unexpected death
  • Value of goods and services the victim would have provided

Non-economic damages

These damages tend to have more value than economic damages, even though they are less tangible. Some examples of these damages include:

  • Loss of consortium
  • Damages for mental anguish
  • Loss of love, companionship, and society
  • Loss of care, guidance, protection, nurturing, and training

Punitive damages

These damages are granted to deter and punish the defendant for poor conduct. Punitive damages may not be recovered against certain defendants and may also not be available in certain states. However, in instances that involve abuse and death in nursing homes for elders, a wrongful death lawyer may be able to recover treble damages for the plaintiff.

Robert J. DeBry & Associates offers expert services to help protect the rights of victims around Utah. With over 250 years of combined experience practicing law, our wrongful death lawyers have helped clients recover millions in compensation and can do the same for you. Get in touch with us today for information about our wrongful death claim services.

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