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Hire a Car Accident Attorney

Suppose you are injured during a collision with another driver who works for Lyft, or you get injured as a passenger in one of these services. In that case, you may need to get compensation for some of the injuries. But what if you have no idea how to proceed or who is responsible? A car accident attorney may be able to help answer these questions. 

Who Is at Fault?

These injuries will likely be covered through insurance, but you need to know which insurance to claim. The right car accident attorney can help you determine where to file the claim. Figuring out who is at fault for the accident is a good starting point to help with this.

If the Lyft driver is the one who is at fault, then the claim will often be filed through their personal auto policy. However, most of these policies will have exclusions that will negate coverage after the driver accepts a ride request and while they are on the trip. Your claim could be denied if this is the case.

It is Important to Work with a Car Accident Attorney

They can then take your claim and put it towards the Lyft liability insurance coverage. This company has coverage available on behalf of the drivers. Those who are hurt during one of the rides can claim against this policy and still get the compensation they deserve. It is a tough process, so you will need an attorney by your side, but it is still possible to get the compensation you deserve.

After being in a car accident in a Lyft, you may wonder what the next steps will be.

A car accident attorney can help you sort through everything and get your claim ready to go. At Robert J. DeBry & Associates, we are here to help. Our team will walk you through the process and can get you the results you deserve. 

Contact us today to get started!

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