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There’s a good chance that a personal injury lawyer has represented clients in all types of cases; from auto accidents to wrongful death claims, these licensed professionals have to be prepared to represent their clients in court no matter the circumstances. However, there are a few times where a personal injury lawyer may be brought a case that might seem a bit odd, or in other words something that may be considered out of the ordinary. Of course, a personal injury lawyer may have to take the case and do their best to relate it to the closest situation possible if they

want to help their client build a strong claim.

A personal injury lawyer will go to great lengths to protect their clients, and the cases we are about to cover prove that. Here are the top three most bizarre lawsuits that have ever occurred.

Jennifer Lindahl v. The United States of America

Our first case comes from Wichita Falls, Texas. Jennifer Lindahl ordered nachos with cheese while at the South Lanes Bowling Center on the Sheppard Air Force Base and when the employee brought over the nachos, the employee spilled the hot nacho cheese sauce on Lindahl’s finger. According to the Lindahl’s lawsuit, “the cheese was so hot that it immediately caused burning.” The suit also claims that “the attendant wiped the cheese off with a rag causing the plaintiff’s skin to be removed from her finger.” 

Lindahl’s personal injury lawyer put together her claim and stated that the government was acting, not only careless but also reckless for the following reasons:

  • Their failure to keep the nacho cheese at an appropriate temperature;
  • Their failure to keep the nacho cheese from touching Lindahl;
  • Their failure to pour the cheese in such as a manner as to avoid the accident;
  • Their failure to “take proper evasive maneuvers” to prevent the incident;
  • The act of wiping Lindahl’s finger, causing the skin to be removed and further damage;
  • Their failure to adequately train the employee on proper food temperatures and handling;
  • Their failure to exercise due diligence and proper care.

The claim provided by Lindahl’s personal injury lawyer also claimed that Lindahl sought treatment for her injuries at United Regional Health Care System where the wound worsened. This resulted in recurring trips to the doctor’s office, as well as physical therapy. 

In the end, the injury called for surgery and Lindahl is still looking to sue the United States government for $95,000 USD for damages, lost wages and medical bills.

Woman Sues KFC for 20 Million Dollars Over False Advertising

This claim didn’t lead to an injury, illness or death, so the involvement of a personal injury lawyer was not necessary; the reason for this claim, however, is due to large disappointment. A Hudson Valley woman claims that Kentucky Fried Chicken buckets don’t have enough food in them. Ann Wurtzburger bought a 20-dollar bucket of chicken from KFC and was disappointed to see that the bucket looked nothing like what was advertised on TV.

According to the claim, Wartzburger said, “I came home and said, ‘Where’s the chicken?’ I thought I was going to have a couple of meals.” She also went on to say, “They said it feeds the whole family… They’re showing a bucket that’s overflowing with chicken.”

The woman called KFC’s Georgia headquarters to complain but was told by the company that the chicken was portrayed in such a way, “so that the public could see the chicken.” However, this was not enough to calm the infuriated Hopewell Junction resident and she hired an attorney to build a claim against KFC, urging them to change their advertising. 

This case was odd to begin with, but claiming that KFC is falsely advertising is where KFC made their argument: “our menus and advertising clearly show our $20 Fill-up Meal includes eight pieces of chicken,” which Wartzburger did receive.

When KFC reached out to her about giving her 70 dollars in coupons, she refused the humble offer and opted to sue KFC for a whopping 20 million dollars instead. Of course, Wartzburger did not win the case, and KFC deemed it “meritless.”

Inmate Sues Himself for Five Million Dollars

You read that title right, an inmate at the Indian Creek Correctional Center in Chesapeake, Virginia claims that he violated his own civil rights and attempted to sue himself for a hefty five million dollars. Considering Robert Lee Brock, the inmate, could not afford a personal injury lawyer and pay for the lawsuit, the case didn’t get very far.

The story doesn’t end there though, in fact, it gets even more ridiculous. Since Brock could not pay the five million dollars to himself, he told the judge, “I want to pay myself 5 million dollars, but ask the state to pay it in my behalf since I can’t work and am a ward of the state.” A truly compelling plea, but it was not enough to convince judge Rebecca Beach Smith who ultimately dismissed the lawsuit. She stated, “The plaintiff has represented an innovative approach to civil rights litigation. However, his claim and especially the relief sought are totally ludicrous.”

There is nothing that a personal injury lawyer won’t see when it comes to the world of law, and these cases prove that people will attempt to sue over anything. We hope that this blog served as a more light-hearted and entertaining approach to the world of lawsuits, but we urge you to remember that your rights and your well-being should not be taken lightly. If you’re in need of legal representation in the event of a real issue such as an auto accident, wrongful death or medical malpractice, amongst other cases, contact a personal injury lawyer here at Robert J. DeBry and Associates. Our talented and experienced team of attorneys will help you get the compensation that you deserve for any damages, medical bills and lost wages.



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