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At Robert J. DeBry & Associates, we are a personal injury law firm. We have begun this series on crimes and killers to help bring awareness to the crimes and the justice that has been or needs to be served. 

Freeway Phantom crimes

In the 1970s, Washington D.C was shaken by the mystery that befell the city. Six young African-American girls had been discovered deceased in the previous year and a half. The oldest was eighteen, while the youngest was only 10.

The murderer used clues to torment the family and law police. In such a situation, the family would need a personal injury lawyer to help them handle the case. When the Freeway Phantom realized the police were taking too long to find Darlene Denise Johnson’s body, he phoned the cops and informed them where to look. He also visited Brenda Faye Crockett’s house. Brenda was even forced to talk to her parents in her last moments by the Freeway Phantom. He was curious whether they had witnessed him kidnap her.

Each child had left on a brief errand down the street and never returned. In each case, the victims’ bodies were discovered several days later along the I-295 expressway. Each female had been sexually raped and strangled to death, excluding those whose remains were too deteriorated to know for sure. Some were stabbed or tormented in other ways.

Clues on who the Freeway Phantom could be

One of the most important clues to the identity of the Freeway Phantom is that his physical connection was St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, a psychiatric institution in Washington, D.C. This shows that the killer was familiar with the institution.

Another possible indication is that the person seems to collect souvenirs from his victims. Police have expressed optimism that someone may stumble upon one of the tokens and inform the authorities.

Finally, the Freeway Phantom ended his murderous rampage in 1972. Detectives suspect that he died, was jailed, or had relocated to another region.


Nothing compares to losing a loved one, especially one’s child. You can hire a professional personal injury lawyer to help you pursue a case. Consult Robert J. DeBry & Associates for the best attorneys for personal injury cases.


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