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motorcycle accident
Labor Day marked the end of the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer campaign. This campaign was a Zero Fatalities awareness campaign. It ran from Memorial Day to Labor Day from Provo to West Valley City and across Utah. The campaign was to promote road safety and have less fatalities on our highways. This year, people...
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Any motorcyclist from Farmington, Utah would tell you that there is nothing better than riding down a winding canyon road in the spring, summer or fall. On the other hand, your lawyer would tell you that there isn’t anything more devastating than a motorcycle accident. The truth is, if you’re careful and follow all the...
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Getting a lawyer can be a scary process filled with confusion and the unknown. Luckily, here are Robert J. DeBry and Associates, we understand what you’re going through. No matter what your situation, whether it’s a car accident, dog bite or even a motorcycle accident, we know that finding the right lawyer is important. Whether...
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You may have just been in an accident. It may have been a dog bite, car accident or motorcycle accident. Many people wonder if using a lawyer is necessary to get the compensation they use. Here are a few ways decide if hiring representation is the best option for you. Perform a Cost-Benefit Analysis A...
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It’s that time of year again — the time where motorcyclists have pulled out their bikes once more. As a driver, you may feel uncomfortable with these freebirds riding next to you. It’s absolutely true that riding one of these machines can be downright deadly. However, if we all do our part, roads from Salt...
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For the first time in what feels like a lifetime, the sun is shining down on Salt Lake City. You aren’t waking up each morning trying to decide between your snow boots or your bigger snow boots. As the sun wakes us all up, motorcycles and their eager owners have been brought out of hibernation....
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When you have the passion and drive to dedicate yourself to your craft, you can achieve greatness. Your hard work will eventually leave you counted among the elites. As a personal injury lawyer, developing expertise in your field means promising to help each auto accident, motorcycle accident or drug injury as best as you possibly...
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The perfect fall day for a motorcyclist includes the roar of an engine and the wind blowing through the hair. The beautiful scenery of the changing colors whizzes by as riders gracefully cruise along small Provo, Utah canyon roads. In an instant, this dream can be ruined by a motorcycle accident. A lawyer can help...
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The fall season is a great time to joy-ride. Many people like to ride by the beautiful scenery in the canyons outside of Provo, Utah. While this can be a wonderful and relaxing way to spend those autumn evenings, it can also be dangerous. Not only are people coming out to enjoy the weather, but...
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The feel of the wind as it kisses your cheeks; the new life each rush of air brings to you; even the elements that rebound off your visor are gentle reminders of the joy riding a motorcycle can bring. It’s not hard to understand why avid riders have such a hard time putting their bikes...
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